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Home » False claims made about me by the management under Mark Scott following my public interest disclosure about alleged bribery and blackmail at the University of Sydney

False claims made about me by the management under Mark Scott following my public interest disclosure about alleged bribery and blackmail at the University of Sydney

Two other senior professors had received the same report and I took it forward duty-bound as an employee and in my role as democratically elected workplace delegate, i.e., as President of the University of Sydney Association of Professors (USAP)

Examples of false claims made about me by University of Sydney managers:

Professor Stephen R. Garton falsely claimed that I installed a surveillance camera when it was in fact a security camera to protect research material belonging to the first case of Alzheimer’s disease among other items

Professor Annamarie R. Jagose falsely claimed that I did not have a research only contract which I had negotiated before I moved to Australia

Professor H. Joanne Wright falsely claimed that I installed another surveillance camera

Professor Emma I. Johnston falsely claimed that I had not acted in the best interest of my students

These false claims were also submitted to the Federal Court by Mr Mathew Dean of the Office of General Council under Ms Olivia Perks which never provided any whistleblower protection even after I had made her aware of the reprisals that were happening.

The false claims by management have also been propagated in a number media reports. The current chief of staff of the University of Sydney, Mr Darren Goodsir, is a former editor of the Sydney Morning Herald. The defamatory press releases by the current management of the University of Sydney will need to be followed up.

Notably, my request to the NSW Ombudsman to pass the case to the Australian Federal Police for a proper investigation because NSW ICAC has let me and several other academics down has not been honored so far. It is also worth noting that the NSW Ombudsman used management falsehoods to stop its own investigation but the name of the responsible decision maker is being kept secret so far (my first Freedom of Information Request has be declined). Two officers of the Ombudsman did their work properly but they were not allowed to continue.